A professional certification agency, or commonly abbreviated as LSP, is an institution authorized to assess and determine that a person has competence or ability in certain professional fields, one of which is the digital marketing profession. Competence or ability in the field of digital marketing itself consists of knowledge or knowledge, skills and attitudes in the field of digital marketing.LSPs located in the territory of Indonesia carry out an assessment (assessment) of someone who submits himself to be assessed for his competence under the auspices of a national institution called the BNSP (National Agency for Professional Certification). So it's easy for the LSP to assess their competency, while the BNSP issues the certificate. So if you already feel good at digital marketing, it's not perfect if you don't have a BNSP digital marketing certification, because your competence hasn't been recognized by the state.And if you have just graduated from an educational institution, of course in the field of digital marketing or internet marketing or something similar, you continue to want to compete for a job with the many other job seekers, then having a digital marketing certification is your key to beating competitors in world of job seekers. Why? Because the industry is currently making efficiency in building its human resources from scratch. They will give priority to graduates or prospective workers who are proven to have competence in their field, and competency certificates are one of the references.Come on, register yourself immediately to get a brighter career, only at LSP TD. Click the link below!

By Adelia Anri Fabela

Sertifikasi Digital Marketing

Lengkapi sertifikat digital marketingmu untuk menjadi digital marketer yang hebat dan memiliki karier yang cemerlang.

Menjadi Digital Marketer!

Menjadi digital marketer bukanlah hal yang mudah, yuk coba uji kompetensi dan pengetahuanmu terkait digital marketing disini!

Digital Marketing

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